Parents gambling debt burden

He made money from a stall at the age of 9

Reluctantly sigh: class duplication is difficult to change

Every family has its cupboard! Recently, a male netizen shared his life journey on Dcard. He was a well-off family from a young age, but because his parents were addicted to gambling, they lost to bankruptcy and ran away. In order to help the family pay off the debts, he followed his parents to the night market from the third grade of elementary school. To make money, "busy until I get home and take a shower often at 12:30", and sleep less than 6 hours a day, not only does not study well, but also affects his height. After he grows up, his relationship path is not smooth. He always pointed the finger at him. "Parental class copying" and lamented that it is really difficult to change this phenomenon.

The original PO posted a post on Dcard with the topic "Class replication is really hard to change", saying that because parents were addicted to gambling, they lost to bankruptcy and ran away. In order to pay off the debts, parents took him in the third grade of elementary school. He set up a night market to make money. He recalled his childhood and said, “Every day I go home from school at 4 o’clock, and after dinner, I set off for the night market at about 5 o’clock. When I get home, I usually take a shower at 12:30. I started my junior year and never watched TV. , I haven’t read the comics, I don’t know how to play, I’m making money.”

Original PO sighed that his childhood was almost dedicated to work, and he didn’t even have enough time to study. "Don’t say that studying badly is like playing. I want to play but I haven’t had to play. This is also the reason why I am not tall. My dad 180, my mother 173, I At only 167, I don’t have enough food every day, sleep late, and don’t exercise. I can grow taller to have ghosts. I don’t have friends at school because I really don’t talk about topics.” There seems to be a lot of complaints in his words. He mentioned the year of the third year of high school. When he came home and saw the underworld to collect debts, he said angrily, "Please help me bury my parents alive. They really love to gamble. My junior started working until after 11pm. , They don’t know yet to quit gambling.”

The original PO came out to start a business as an adult and also made a lot of money, but he always thinks that "class duplication" is tied to his life, "I don't have any friends of the same age, because I have been used as a money-making machine since my junior year." I’ve been with several girlfriends and broke up, and I was scared by my family.” He no longer has a longing for love, saying that now he would rather take his time off to make up for his childhood shortcomings, such as playing video games, reading comics and other leisure activities. .

Although the original PO is full of grievances, he still pays his parents 50,000 yuan in filial piety every month. However, his parents' recent remarks completely angered him, "You are so short that you are already sorry to your parents and you don't work. When he was still at home, how could he get married and have children?" He was so angry that he poured a drink on his father's face. In the past, all the things he had suffered in childhood made him decide to go to the psychiatric clinic. The doctor suggested, "Don't have children. Although it is not my fault, the concept is different from ordinary people. It is not a good thing for the growth of children."

In the end, the original PO couldn’t help sighing that “class duplication is due to the relationship between parents, only using children as tools, and a bunch of bad habits will naturally ruin the next generation.” As soon as the post was exposed, many netizens were deeply concerned about his childhood experience. Expressed sympathy, "You are very strong and excellent, and you no longer continue to copy the class." "I think you don't have to be filial to your relatives now. I'm afraid that the defendant will give a few thousand people and won't starve to death." Enough for your daily life’s filial piety, and save the rest for yourself.” “It’s pretty difficult. You’ve successfully gotten out of poverty by starting a business, but the lost time won’t come back. Don’t get stuck in the past.”.


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